Wednesday, December 24, 2014
“The child grew and became strong."
This Sunday, Dec. 28, 2014, we celebrate the Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. In the Sunday Gospel - and the Discussion Questions we've chosen - the story of the presentation of the child Jesus at the temple in accordance with Jewish tradition is described in detail.
You are receiving a condensed version of this weeks's reflections on the Sunday Readings because most of our ParishWorld staff are gone for the holidays. We will be back with our normal full issue after the holidays.
One of the figures in the Gospel was an old woman named Anna. Though she had witnessed thousands of children being brought to the temple, when she laid her teary eyes on the infant Jesus she knew at once who it was. Fr. John Foley, S. J. explains how he could suddenly see that Anna has laid down a condition for each of us who are within a family. Swords will pierce our souls. Maybe if we accept them, they will open our eyes as they did Anna’s. Maybe we will find the God-child in our arms.
We celebrate this Sunday not the feast of the Perfect Family but the fFeast of the Holy Family. Fr. Andrew Greeley explores the Gospel accounts of how ordinary and human the Holy Family seemed to be. Fr. James Gilhooley asks us to consider the consider the teen years of Jesus. Most teens believe they know everything. Can you even speculate how difficult it had to be to raise one who did? Do you still find it difficult to relate with such a family as Jesus, Mary and Joseph?
And Fr. Joseph Pellegrino reminds all you parents to be the best parents you can be. Remain grounded in the Lord. Make prayer a part of your home life. Pray with your children at bedtime and pray for them after they fall asleep. Teach your children respect. Let them witness your respect for them, for each other, and for others and demand that they respect others, including you. Do your best and trust God to do the rest.
Our Burning Question this week challenges you to read up on the first two chapters of Matthew and discuss the symbolism of the "Adventures of Jesus, Mary and Joseph." Reflect on how their lives relate to your own family life and share your thoughts with us.
Christmas is that time of year again when we spend time watching old Christmas movie classics. And there is no more beloved Christmastime flick than the manly classic, Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life. It's full of life lessons specially for men. Check out the lessons in manliness that can be gleaned from this classic.
We hope you had a meaningful and blessed Christmas. Enjoy the rest of the holidays and may you have a most Happy and Holy New year.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: How does Matthew explain the infant Jesus is "Special?"
FEATURED BLOG: Lessons in Manliness from It’s a Wonderful Life
RECONCILIATION: A Baghdad Community Lives in Peace, for Now
Sunday Readings
Thursday, December 18, 2014
"Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with you."
On the carefully programmed Advent journey to Christmas, December 21, 2014, the Fourth Sunday belongs to Mary. This is so because Christmas, which celebrates the birth of Jesus, necessarily involves the motherhood of Mary. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study with family, friends and church groups.
Also on this last Sunday of Advent we begin more intensively to prepare for the celebration of Christmas. There are the many practical things to do: the buying of presents, the shopping for food and all the necessities of a great feast. But we do not forget that this great feast is in honor of the Lord and we take time to prepare ourselves spiritually as well.
God's Promise to David
The amazing thing about this promise by God is that it does not depend on David's worthiness. David had committed adultery with Bathsheba and then had her husband killed. In the Psalms we hear echoes of David's repentance. Fr. Alex McAllister SDS explains that we ourselves are indeed spiritual descendents of David. And Fr. Phil Bloom says there is also a message here for us: Not to go out and sin, but to know that every day we depend on God's mercy - and his promise.
Hail Mary, Full of Grace
Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. points out for us the fact that when considered specifically as the mother of our Savior, Mary is also the most perfect model of fruitfulness. Mary models for us a life that is wonderfully fruitful through loving concern for the welfare and happiness of others. And the challenge we face according to Fr. John Foley, S. J. is this: How much do you and I listen to the voice of God’s promise, written in our hearts? Do our words and actions tumble out without reference to that unwavering love deep within?
The Word Became Flesh
Fr. Ron Rolheiser discusses the virgin birth. He said it should invite imitation rather than admiration. What is at issue, he points out, is not celibacy rather than sex but patience rather than impatience. It is about accepting to live in tension rather than capitulating and compensating in the face of unrequited desire. Paul Dion, STL meanwhile answers a question frequentl;y asked: Was the Blessed Virgin Mary a Virgin Forever? ...
Meanwhile, Fr. Orlando Sapuay, M.S. explains that The Word came to Mary looking for far more than accommodation. He became flesh of her flesh. That means our flesh, human nature. This means whatever God the Father gave His Only-Begotten Son in human nature, He gave all this to all of us. The Annunciation therefore is not to Mary alone, but to you and me. Each one of us has part of God's plan. We are not merely part of the audience. We are actors in the eternal Christmas pageant. Fr. Joseph Pellegrino reminds us that like Mary, we can make the spiritual physical. No, we can’t give birth to the Savior, but we can make His Presence a reality in the world.
It is a continuing miracle that the whole world pauses to celebrate at Christmas. Far more marvelous is the blessed Christian for whom the lights, festive parties and gift-giving are only signs of the real source of abiding joy: the gift of Jesus, "He who saves his people from their sins." Prepare well for a truly merry, blessed, 'Christ-Mass'.
Preparing for Christmas
Meanwhile, Msgr. Charles Pope discusses the many paradoxes and seeming impossibilities in the incarnation. He reminds us that as mysteries they cannot be fully solved, so they claim our reverence. As we approach Christmas lists some of the paradoxes of Christmas, saying as little of them as possible, just enough to make the paradox clear. And do you know the twelve days of Christmas? It starts on the evening of Christmas Day and end on the morning of Epiphany (January 6th).
And Dr. Lilles offers a pathway for prayer in Advent. He reminds us that Advent is a time for opening our hearts to the Lord with contrition-filled prayer. It is the most important thing we can do to prepare for the joy of Christmas. He says not to do so is to prefer to live in self-contradiction, a cold dark misery not worthy of human dignity.
Celebrating the Holidays
It’s Christmas, so we’re singing carols. But the Blessed Virgin Mary merits only passing mention in a few carols or—even better—no mention at all in most. Michael Linton looks into it for us. Also, "Do You Hear What I Hear?" is one of the most popular Christmas songs today. Do you know the story behind the song? This popular Christmas song's plea for peace is as relevant today as when it was written—during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
As you ponder what presents to give friends and family, Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio's helpful thoughts offer a Catholic approach to holiday gift-giving. Similarly, Fr. Peter deSousa suggests that we share the gift of love with those who are lonely, suffering or in need.
Finally, this time of year, it's not out of this world to hear about generous folks going around and dropping coins in parking meters or picking up a round of drinks for strangers at the bar. But some truly secret Santa has helped out three Michigan Kmart customers by picking up their layaway tabs. Really.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Have a great and blessed new week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: Was the Blessed Mother a Virgin Forever?
FEATURED BLOG: The New Translation: What's Changed and Why
PASTORAL HISPANA: Maria la Virgen del Adviento
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Sunday, December 14, 2014
"Make straight the way of the Lord"
Gaudete. Rejoice.
Fr. John J. Ludvik explains further that Gaudete Sunday invites us into a world of reversals, a world where the captives are freed, where the hungry are filled and where the rich are sent away empty. It is certainly a world where things are turned upside down. In Sunday's Gospel, Fr. John Foley, S. J. points out, the people are hungry for daylight. “Are you the light?” they shouted to John. Will you “bring glad tidings to the poor, heal the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to the captives and release the prisoners?” No, he replied, “I am pointing you toward the light. He will be here soon.”
During the season of advent, Christians are asked to light candles as a sign of hope. But lighting a candle in hope is not just a pious, religious act; it’s a political act, a subversive one, and a prophetic one. Fr. Ron Rolheiser says Hope is precisely that, a vision of life that guides itself by God’s promise, irrespective of whether the situation looks optimistic or pessimistic at any given time.
The Voice Crying Out in the Wilderness
We were given God's life at baptism so we can share his life with others.“I am the voice crying out in the wilderness: Make straight the way of the Lord.” Which way? The only way! Like John, Fr. Orlando Sapuay, MS urges us, we prepare the way of the Lord with our lives of holiness and righteousness. There is no other way to prepare ourselves for the coming of the Lord but to live with Him and in Him.
Knowing that Jesus is Close
But whose vision of God is yours? Is it the God of John full of anger? Or does it belong to the Teacher? His is a God anxious to forgive our sins and faults when we get down on our knees and ask for forgiveness in the confessional. Fr. James Gilhooley reminds us that the best eraser in the world is confession to God.
The Immaculate Conception
The Immaculate Conception is one of the most overlooked and rejected dogmas. But for Benedict XVI, it was so "overwhelmingly obvious" that six years ago he talked about it three times in eight days. Without it, he says, Christian redemption "would lose its foundation." This dogma is also the most misunderstood. While it refers to the Immaculate Conception of the infant Mary, many Catholics mistakenly think it refers to the virginal conception of the Christ Child. Fr. Ryan Erlenbush adds that this common misconception about leads us to a further point of reflection: Was Christ immaculately conceived? His answer to this Christological question will help us to understand the Marian dogma in a new light.
And recalling Thursday's Feast of Immaculate Conception, Benedict XVI encouraged
The Season of Advent
Taylor Marshall's family found another spiritual way to use Advent. He says if you observe Advent in a certain way, you will not only establish a family altar for the whole year, you will also establish the daily family Rosary. He tells us how they did it. And for converts or anyone else who needs some baby steps to get started celebrating Advent, Catholic convert Jennifer Fulwiler offers eight of her favorite super-simple ideas sent to celebrate Advent. She also talks about one of her favorite holiday traditions. She offers seven good reasons to continue mailing out Christmas cards.
Food-Related Tech Geeks
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Enjoy the Thanksgiving weeken with your family and loved ones.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: Do Catholics "worship" Mary as we do Jesus?
FEATURED BLOG: The spiritual act of voting in our elections
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immaculate conception,
john the baptise,
virgin mary
Thursday, December 4, 2014
"Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight his paths."
This Sunday, Dec. 7, 2014, we celebrate the Second Sunday in Advent and the Readings feature John the Baptist. He didn’t look or talk like the Jews of his time. He was not part of the crowd that had always held power. Yet he talked about change. And the people listened, and followed. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study with family, friends and church groups.
A Voice in Our Broken World
John the Baptist faced very similar conditions during his day. And at the very outset, Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. points out, Mark declares his gospel to be the "good news." He dares to say this in a world that is broken and weary. Making this all the more marvelous, explains Fr. Charles Irvin, is the fact that God’s only Son entered into this broken humanity. He became fully and truly human in order to share in our darkness, to share in our moments of depression and despair.
A Call to Change
And change was the heart of the message. Fr. Joseph Pellegrino tells us that if we want change, if we really want the One who will reform the world and return mankind to God’s original plan, then we need to change. Loving and serving the Lord is what we are here for, it is our privileged task. And it is through this, Fr. Alex McAllister, SDS reminds us, that we will be creating that ‘new heaven and a new earth’ that St Peter talks about in the Second Reading.
Advent & the Second Coming
Fr. Ron Rolheiser says it is about intuiting the kingdom of God by seeing, through desire, what the world might look like if a Messiah were to come and, with us, establish justice, peace, and unity on this earth. We mark the historical birth of Christ in a continuing witness of the historicity of our faith. It reminds us, Father Cusick points out, that what we recite in the Creed did indeed really and truly take place.
And we take special efforts in liturgy and life to receive our Lord in a fitting spiritual way as we answer the call of John the Baptist to "Make ready the way of the Lord, clear him a straight path." In the Liturgy, Fr. Phil Bloom sums it up, we gather the strands of our lives. And we do so in a focused way - a way that sets the tone for the entire Mass: To the Father, through the Son, in the Holy Spirit. Amen.
"Born Again" and Spirituality
Why is it that among 'conservative Catholics' there seems to be so little interest in spirituality? We're big on apologetics, dogma, the rules, the rubrics, the regulations and the routine. But Fr. Longenecker thinks we're a little bit scared of spirituality. He offers some good reasons for it. While Deacon Mike Bickerstaff answers a most basic question about us: Are Catholics “Born Again” Christians?
Mark Shea talks about bucket lists (i.e., lists of stuff you should oughtta wanna do before you kick the bucket). So, canny fellow that he is, he put together a bucket list of 10 things a Catholic should oughtta wanna do before he or she takes the dirt nap. While Jennifer Fulwiler talks about one of the practices that was initially most foreign to a new Catholic convert like her - the idea of Sunday being a day of rest. And Father John Flynn, LC talks about why so many 20-something Catholics drop out as they move into adulthood.
Tim Tebow, Hunting Trips and a TV Chef
Delia Smith is one of the most popular TV chefs in the United Kingdom. wants to do for Catholicism what she has done for cooking. A devout Catholic, she said she would like to switch the nation on to spirituality in the same way she has done with cooking.
We close with an interesting question: Can priests go hunting? Taylor Marshall doesn't know where canon law stands today. But he thought you might find the history of the question to be rather interesting. The Council of Trent provides an answer.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Enjoy the Thanksgiving weeken with your family and loved ones.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: What is the Old Testament root of Baptism?
FEATURED BLOG: Why didn't Jesus tell us when He would return?
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Catholic youth,
Jesus Christ,
John the Baptist,
Sunday Readings
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
"Be watchful! Be alert!"
This Sunday, November 30, 2014, we celebrate the First Sunday in Advent. This marks the beginning of a new church year: the liturgical actualization for us of the saving events of Christ's life, death and resurrection. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study with family, friends and church groups.
Because it is Thanksgiving weekend, I'm busy preparing Thanksgiving dinner for my family while multi-tasking this week's homiletics email for you. So we hope you understand why you're receiving a truncated version of your Catholic Living Today.
The gospel passage for Sunday proclaims the essential truth that will be celebrated in all its dimensions throughout the year -- namely, the "advent" truth that God has come in the person of Jesus Christ, and that the same Lord, now invisibly present through the Spirit, will come again in power and glory.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Enjoy the Thanksgiving weeken with your family and loved ones.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: Did John the Baptist go straight to heaven when he died?
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Jesus Christ,
John the Baptist,
Sunday Readings
Thursday, November 20, 2014
"He will sit upon his glorious throne"
This Sunday, November 23, 2014 we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. This is the Last Sunday of the Church Year. Through this feast the church is saying that all of our celebrations can be summed up in one statement: Jesus is our King, we serve him. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study with family, friends and church groups.
Universal King
Lord and Just Judge
This kingdom of Christ, a reign of charity and peace, is for all. We the baptized are the agents through whom the social kingship of Christ will be realized. Father Cusick says the Lord sends us out as His disciples so that all mankind may be brought under His reign in the world. We are asked to do His work. But He respects and honors His subjects’ needs and desires - their free will. And that, explains Fr. John Foley, S. J., is exactly how a real King acts.
But what will the Last Judgment be like? Many will come before Him, not having commmitted offenses or infractions of the law. Thay might not have done anything positively destructive. But in the presence of suffering, they also heartlessly did absolutely nothing. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ph.D. notes that these sins of omission ultimately seal the fate of the damned. Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. warns us that many on that last day will hear Him say, "You have chosen to live without me, your God, and I will respect your choice.”
"Lord when did we see you?"
Christ is present in those people we meet who are prayerful, spiritual, and charismatic. But, Fr. Joseph Pellegrino reminds us, the Lord is also present in those who may not even recognize His presence in their lives. He is present in those mocked by our society, the poor, the eccentric, the oppressed, the unborn. When we give help to a family struggling to make ends meet, we are helping Christ.
Thus the most plaintive line in our gospel story, Fr. John J. Ludvik explains, is the one that echoes twice from the dumbstruck crowd: "Lord when did we see you?" And, Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB adds, the most stirring refrain of Sunday's Gospel is found precisely in these words: "You did it to me."
And so as we conclude the Church year, we ask the Lord to help us serve the Kings of Kings as He presents Himself in those reaching out to us.
Prayer, Communion & Pornography
Three years ago from the Vatican Pope Benedict made this call for daily prayers, "I would like to renew my call to everyone to pray the Psalms, to become accustomed to using the Liturgy of the Hours, Lauds, Vespers, and Compline. Our relationship with God can only be enriched by our journeying towards Him day after day.”
While back in the US, Taylor Marshall reflected on the teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and the Council of Trent as he discusses "The Difference between Spirtual and Sacramental Communion." And Patrick A. Trueman tackles a scourge that is affecting so many Catholic men - Pornography. It has become America’s pastime, and we are awash in it.
A Catholic Thanksgiving
So how do you evangelize your family this Thanksgiving? Start with celebrating the day with Holy Mass. We are bound, if we are able, to observe the third commandment and keep the Lord’s Day holy by gathering together to give thanks. Eucharist after all means thanksgiving. But thanksgiving can’t be limited to Sunday Eucharist. Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio reminds us that we are called to develop a lifestyle of thanksgiving. We’re called to become a Eucharistic people.
What Are You Thankful For?
As has been our Thanksgiving tradition, we bring you back our Thanksgiving Prayer Book. We reflect on how imperfect our lives always will be. How good things will always co-exist with the unfortunate ones. But despite this, there are many things God has blessed us with that we can be truly thankful for. Share your blessings with us.
Celebrating Thanksgiving
Ours is a country where supersizing and soaring obesity rates have become the norm. So what is the best way to deal with our annual feast day? Streamlining. The key to a healthy holiday meal, we've discovered, is that less can be more. This Thanksgiving, celebrate without supersizing. Here are tips and recipes for a hearty, healthy Thanksgiving meal. And sure, we all know the holiday leaves us stuffed. But it's not just the extra calories that make us groggy. Here's the "Four Reasons Thanksgiving Makes Us Sleepy."
And so we gather at the Thanksgiving dinner table with big appetites and grateful hearts. But before anyone digs in, someone most likely will offer the customary blessing or prayer. When you sit down with family and friends and bow your heads to pray, what should you say? Here's a wonderful Thaksgiving dinner prayer suggestion from Deacon Greg Kandra.
We Need Your Help - An Update
We thank those of you who contributed to our Stewardship Drive. Our Gospel Matthew 25: 37-40 for this Sunday tells us:
"Then the righteous will answer him and say,
'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you,
or thirsty and give you drink?
When did we see you a stranger and welcome you,
or naked and clothe you?
When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?'
And the king will say to them in reply,
'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did
for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.'
Many needy parishes continue to wait for our help. And we ask you to help us help them. Our goal is to gift 10 needy parishes with their own parish evangelization websites. Your assistance will allow us to make a real difference in the Catechetical and spiritual lives of these parish communities.
The following characterize why our mission is so important:
First - 95% of our Catholics in the pews are under-Catechized.
Second - Over a million articles of evangelization are viewed each month in ParishWorld!
Everyday, we continue to make a difference in the spiritual lives of countless Catholics like yourself. If you haven't helped with our campaign, we plead with you, please consider a financial gift today. And 100% of your gifts - every single dollar - will go to setting up these gift parish websites.
Click here to donate today.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. A most happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: What are yout thankful for?
FEATURED BLOG: 'And with your spirit,' once again
PASTORAL HISPANA: Solemnidad del Nuestro Senor Jesucristo
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