Once again in this week's Gospel passage for July 20, 2104 (16A) images of growing trees, shrubs and plants provide us with powerful insights into the quiet and slow ways that God's Kingdom grows among us and within us. This Sunday we have three parables set before us. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study sessions with family, friends and church groups.
Students of Matthews Gospel sometimes call Chapter Thirteen the Day of Parables because the whole chapter actually contains seven different parables all given presumably from the boat referred to in the very first verse from that chapter where it says, ‘such crowds gathered round him that he got into a boat and sat there. The people stood on the beach and he told them many things in parables.’
Let Them Grow Together
We can learn much from God's patience as we see him allow both the good and the evil to grow together. Even in your own hearts, God steadily forgives your weeds. It would be better if the weeds were not there, but he loves everything about you and wants you preserved. Fr. John Foley, S. J. says this is a radical idea because we often think that we have to be sinless in order to be loved.
And this brings up an objection that has caused heated debate in recent years. If the Church is meant to be inclusive as the parable of the wheat and tares suggests, then why do we still have the penalty of excommunication on the books? Why do some clamor that Catholic, abortion-rights politicians should be denied holy communion? Isn’t this just a mean-spirited sort of Puritanism? Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio explains.
Starting Small Like the Mustard Seed
Fr. Alex McAllister SDS tells us that we can say the same for the Kingdom of God growing within our own hearts. Its start is small and insignificant but with the proper nurturing grows and grows until we turn our whole lives over to the Lord. We should find this truth encouraging and allow it to free us from a sense of helplessness. Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. tells us that with God we can do more than we could ever imagine.
Jesus wants a few dynamic people. Fr. James Gilhooley points out from the parable that just as a little yeast plays a changing power in flour, so too should small pockets of Catholics transform society. Many Christians have done that. And now you are doing the same, explains Fr. Joseph Pellegrino, when you teach the ABC's of religion to your children. You have faith that the Kingdom of God will spread through them. Don't allow yourself to think that maybe nothing is happening for your children. Say prayers with your children. Allow God to turn the tiny mustard seed into a great plant.
The Eternal Effect of Our Choices
Fr. Phil Bloom tells us that we are in the midst of conflict - from outside and from within. Illness, fear and temptations attack us. Weeds threaten to choke the good seed. All the more reason to turn to Jesus. But it's not that simple, Fr. Ron Rolheiser explains. To be born again, to be reborn from above, is not something that we can do, at least not fully, in one instant or in one dramatic, religious gesture, no matter how deep our sincerity. There is more involved than falling at the feet of some evangelist or of answering an altar call, albeit these can be an important beginning.
Father Cusick tells us what we must do. In authentic charity we must speak to others and teach them about the great responsibility they have to choose either Life or Death. We must keep the commandments of the Lord if we are to enter into life eternal.
Sin, Confession and Cohabitation
Fr. John Zuhlsdorf speaks of a “social” dimension, as it were in how we can sin. We can sin not only be our own direct actions, but indirectly through participation in the sins directly committed by others. How does one participate in the sin of another person? The good father explains nine different ways we sin through another person’s actions - starting with Consent and Counsel.
And to wrap us this section on sin, the USCCB put out this post on their blog. Penance, aka confession, is the sacrament of the forgiveness of sin. Confession has benefits. Here are ten.
Organ Donors & Abortion
Donating one's body to science? A reader from Ontario, Canada, has written to say: "I have allowed my body at death to be given to science. Is this permissible?" The short answer is "Yes," explains William E. May, if specific conditions are met.
We share with you thoughts from Cardinal Arinze, the retired president of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, who decries the word games being played in the abortion debate. "Is it not highly illogical for some people to talk of some whales, and the chimpanzees, and trees as 'endangered species' which must be preserved -- and if you torture a dog in some countries you will be brought to court for your cruelty to animals -- while the killing of unborn babies is labeled 'pro-choice' instead of what it is: murder? Call a spade a spade."
Cancer, Public Praying & Online Civility
This past Sunday Msgr. Charles Pope celebrated his 50th Birthday and of all the gifts he received, he says the best one came from the Lord who delivered it in a “strange package.” Check it out.
A while back Jennifer Fulwiler and her husband were at a dinner party where most of the other people in attendance were not religious. When the food was served, they faced an awkward moment: Should they say their usual prayer? Find out how they handled the situation. And ask yourself this question: Do You Pray in Public?
Finally, Brett & Kate McKay discuss the foibles of internet networking. And indeed it is possible - albeit necessary - to be gentlemen and ladies in the Age of the Intenet. They share their "6 Ways to Bring Civility Online."
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. A blessed and happy new week to all.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
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