Noticing the Poor
The New York Times chillingly reports that dogs and cats in the United States eat more nutritious food than do the homeless in refugee camps in the third world. Paul Dion, STL is of the opinion that world hunger is a sin against life that has “corporate” dimensions. We all participate in it. We all have a share in the death of the 40 to 60 million people who succumb to the ravages of hunger every year.
Fr. John Foley, S. J. asks us to reflect upon this. Are you and I helping to overlook the plight of the world’s poor as we stretch on our couches and gobble up our television shows? Do we as individuals turn a blind eye to the poor around us? Do we as a society see them? Are we afraid of the poor? But Fr. Alex McAllister sums it all up at the personal level. He reminds us that we have to go beyond simple charity. Each and every one of the poor is a human person deserving our respect and support. We must do what we can to enter into a real relationship with those less fortunate than ourselves.
Not Meant to Dump on the Rich
For example, Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio tells us that almsgiving is good. But he reminds us that involvement is better. Ministering to the financially poor and the spiritually bankrupt develops our potential to enrich others as we are enriched in the process. Wealth without active mercy for the poor is great wickedness. Our focus must be on the well being of the poor and downtrodden. It is in giving that we receive.
Our Choice: Heaven or Hell
Though we may be too inhibited to speak of the last four things in life - death, judgment, heaven, hell - Jesus the Christ is not. Fr. James Gilhooley declares that Jesus desires the salvation of all. But, Fr. Phil Bloom admonishes us, you and I must make a choice where we will spend eternity.
It is riches, riches of all kinds--of money, intelligence, health, power, social or religious status that we need to watch out for. Though all good in themselves, explains Fr. Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B., these riches can lead you to forget about God and everyone else except yourself. Fr. Orlando Sapuay, M.S. warns us that if we close our eyes to the truth we are given, then we are doomed.
The Church’s Economic-Social Teachings
Archbishop Charles J. Chaput follows it up with a dissertation on Catholics and the Next America. The Denver prelate says the the most important choice we can make is both terribly simple and terribly hard: to actually live what the Church teaches, to win the hearts of others by our witness, and to renew the soul of our country with the courage of our own Christian faith and integrity. There is no more revolutionary act.
Bible Priests, College Catholics & a Muslim Home
From Washington DC's George Washington University we bring you vack a story about how four young missionaries marketed 'Catholicism with Chipotle' to promote Mass attendance among Catholic students on campus. They are members of the Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS) and they have been unafraid and outrageous in proving that it is possible to be young, Catholic, fun and devout.
Also, you've seen us on many occassions highlight posts from the blog "Why I am Catholic." Thsi week, contributor Frank Weathers, a former evangelical Protestant, puts up one more reason why: Because Catholic Priests Know The Bible, Backwards and Forwards.
Marital Infidelity & A Father's Letter
A few years ago, her husband committed adultery. Today, their marriage is new again. "Words Cannot Express My Gratitude" is this wife's story. And she offers the two-way spiritual road she and her husband took towards healing and forgiveness. They are turning the tables on the national statstic that says only 1/3 of marriages actually survive infidelity.
Finally, how's your cholesterol? If you think that the normal reading you got back in 2004 (or earlier) means you're in the clear, think again: Levels of the artery-clogging substance often rise with age, and cardiologists say everyone 20 or older should be screened for high cholesterol at least once every five years. Got high cholesterol? Learn what you can do to lower it quickly -- starting today. Here's 11 Tips to Cut Your Cholesterol Fast.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Have a great and blessed new week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: Do you invite the poor to your banquet?
FEATURED BLOG: Catholics and the Next America
PASTORAL HISPANA: Las posesiones pueden ser un obstaculo para el Reino
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