Pentecost Sunday (PentecostC), May 23, 2010
BURNING QUESTION: How do you answer when asked if you're Christian?
FEATURED BLOG: Because we might be entertaining angels
PASTORAL HISPANA: Espiritu Santo es el motor que empuja nuestra Iglesia
Dear Friends,
This Sunday our Readings celebrate Pentecost Sunday - the culmination of the fifty days of Easter, the day when Jesus sent the Holy Spirit upon the disciples. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible study sessions with your family, friends and church groups.
A Contradiction in Sunday's Gospel?
There seems to be a contradiction between the coming of the Spirit as recorded in this gospel and in the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. In the gospel of John, the Spirit is given by Jesus himself on Easter day, whereas in Acts the Spirit comes upon the disciples at the Jewish feast of Pentecost which occurred fifty days after Passover.
Fr. Alex McAllister SDS tells out that the essentials of the two accounts are the same, but the emphases different. Luke and John provide us with distinct but equally rich theological perspectives on the birth of the Church. They point up the significance for the world of the birth of the Church and the task given to us to enable all mankind to experience the Good News of salvation. What matters most, says Fr. Demetrius Dumm, is to understand the implications of this out-pouring of God's Spirit. This is clearly presented in Sunday's gospel where the new presence of Jesus in the Spirit is expressed in terms of peace, mission and forgiveness.
The Birth of the Church
The meeting with the risen Lord in John's account is the humble yet powerful beginning of a new age. Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB explains how fear was transformed into joy; pain was changed to peace and trust; flight and hiding become courage and mission. Division and hatred are vanquished by the gift of the Holy Spirit. For Christians, the 2000th year after Christ's birth marks the renewal of life in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and renewed commitment to the true faith bestowed in Jesus Christ. Father Cusick tells us that both are gifts of God the Father to the Church in these "last days" before Christ comes again.
"As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
And you and I wonder, rightly so, how it is that we can lead others to Christ. How can we train our children, our Teens, our grandchildren, our neighbors and co-workers to treasure the Lord? What should we say? Fr. Phil Bloom says this Sunday God wants you and me to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit. How our world would change if we allowed Jesus to enter our hearts! The Holy Spirit can energize us, give us a new life.
The Holy Spirit in the Upper Room
We are called and empowered to be signs of the presence of God. Fr. Orly Sapuay, M.S. says answering that call can be as simple as looking in the eyes of the man who is asking for money on the street and taking the time to learn his name. When we think we don’t have the energy to listen to someone else’s problems, we might find out that it only takes just a few minutes to let someone know that he or she matters.
This is the Holy Spirit’s holiday. Fr. John Foley, S. J. tells us to call out to God and tell him where your heart is. Maybe God will give you a sense of who the Holy Spirit is in your personal daily life, in your progress from day to day. Do remember, as somebody has put it, we do not need more of the Holy Spirit. Rather, Fr. James Gilhooley reminds us, the Holy Spirit needs more of us.
So do stand out like a sore thumb this Pentecost season. Pope Benedict shares this very same message from Rome with the world's youth. Noting the Novena of Pentecost that began last Friday, he encouraged young people to be docile to the Holy Spirit's work. And as one who is a graduating senior, college student Sarah Waninger talks about how this message of peace and accompaniment means so much more now than ever before in her life.
Pentecost & the Charisms of the Holy Spirit
Alfred McBride, O.Praem. offers a literary interpretation of the the Story of the First Pentecost. He presents it from the point of view of a Greek traveler who stood bewildered in the Jerusalem crowd. What was happening? All about him Jews from many nations milled excitedly and pointed to a group in the center of the square - the apostles preaaching about jesus and speaking in tongues.
And from a parish in Palmyra, MO - Saint Joseph's Catholic Church - we share with you a simple, powerfully effective method for families and parishes to recognize the gifts of the Holy Spirit within their children. "Making Pentecost Come Alive for Kids and Parents" is worth a look.
Quotes from the Saints & More
Plus here's a list of the top 50 Saints' quotes, in an arbitrary ranking. St. Jerome starts things off with "Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of Christ." There are many others that not on the list that are great. So feel free to add your other favorites in the comments section.
And here's another list to ponder. Traditionally, there are 4 "Marks" of the Church that tell us about the character and nature of what the Church is - One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic. Yet, there are more "marks" that St. Robert Bellarmine came up with. He lived from 1542 - 1621 during the time of many of the Protestant Reformers. Thus, he was battling against some of the false understandings of the Church by coming up with these additional " 15 marks".
Fast-forward to 2010, and the biblical meets the internet. A new online Catholic Bible search engine, which enables people to find specific Scripture passages using keywords, was launched last week. The program was officially released to the public on May 13 by Check it out. And in the era of iphones, ipads and facebook, new technologies continue to find ways to serve the spiritual life of Catholics and priests in a concrete way. Italian Father Paolo Padrini, iBreviary Creator, talks about them in this interesting interview.
Stories of Hope
Allison, a blogger from "Why I am Catholic," writes about this boy, let's call him Michael, who lives with his mother and brother in a small apartment in their neighborhood. When she picks up her son from school. he usually gives him a lift home, too. Recently, she had a conversation with a schoolmate of the fifth grader, a conversation that reminded her how blessed we are that God is always with us.
Another eventful week in our Catholic world. Have a great and blessed new week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
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