Palm Sunday in Lent (PalmC), March 28, 2010
BURNING QUESTION: What is Holiness?
FEATURED BLOG: Reducing Faith to a Flu Shot?
Dear Friends,
This Sunday the Gospel Readings commemorate the hour when Jesus entered the Holy City of Jerusalem for the last time. This Holy City was to be the place where his ministry on earth would be brought to its culmination, to its cataclysmic and glorious conclusion. Our Discussion Questions this week will guide your bible study sessions with your family, friends and church groups.
The Passion of Christ
With the royal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem, Father Thomas Rosica, CSB says, a new section of the Gospel begins -- the ministry of Jesus in Jerusalem before his death and resurrection. The way of the cross was the greatest fulfillment of his kingship. It is one of service and humility, Fr. John Foley, S.J., explains, not one of pride and competition.
In the Liturgy we notice that the Church actually expects us to participate in these dramas. She does so, Fr. Orly Sapuay, MS explains, for a number of reasons but the main one is to remind us that we are already personally involved in what is taking place. And we do so in a much more sober way than those people of Jerusalem whom we attempt to imitate, Fr. Alex McAllister SDS reminds us. The joy in our hearts however, is no less sincere since it is based in the knowledge of what came after - those earth shattering events whose consequences uniquely reverberate both backwards and forwards through time.
The heart and soul of the wisdom of Jesus, Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. reminds us, is found in this story of his passion and death. Careful, repeated meditation on the Passion of Christ is important because the Passion is the climax of the entire history of Revelation and Redemption. Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio calls it the ultimate Revelation of two intertwined realities: human sin and divine love.
Our Faithful & Compassionate Lord
And Fr. Ron Rolheiser reminds us that one day, perhaps soon, we will, like Jesus in the Garden, have to make peace with the fact that we are soon to exit this life, alone, but for our hope in God. While Fr. Phil Bloom talls us that by meditating on the example of the good thief, we can overcome bitterness - and grow in humility.
More Reflections for Holy week
To helps us go through festivities of the coming week, Thomas Richstatter, O.F.M.offers "A Practical Guide to the Liturgies of Holy Week." And Maurice Blumberg offers this reflection to deepen the commitment of our lives to Christ and live out more authentically the new life we have received in him.
Holy Week at the Holy Land
And as a final reflection piece for Holy Week, we hope this video moves you. It's "Deliver Me," by Sarah Brightman. If you were moved to the core by the movie, as I was, this will resonate with you.
Health Care, World Youth Day & More
And as World Youth Day turns 25 this week, some 70,000 young people of the Diocese of Rome will celebrate the anniversary with Benedict XVI. The youth ministry department of the diocese has planned an event for March 25 at St. Peter's Square. Then on Palm Sunday, March 28, the Pope will continue celebrating Youth Day -- held this year at the diocesan level.
Also from the Vatican, the Pope reiterated that the true vocation of each person is to love, and man will find fulfillment in life only in the measure that he learns to love.
Amish Forgiveness Movie on Palm Sunday
"Amish Grace: A Time for Forgiveness" is a television movie about this incident and it airs on Palm Sunday, March 28, 2010 at 8ET/5PT on LMN. Check local listings for reruns during the coming months of April and May. Sr. Rose Pacatte, FSP offers her television movie review here.
Another eventful week in our Catholic world. Have a great and blessed Holy Week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
WAlly Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
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