Thursday, July 31, 2014

"Give them some food yourselves."

The miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fish that is mentioned in this Sunday's Readings (18A) for August 3, 2014 is so central to the gospel message that it is one of the few miracles found in all four gospels. It help us recognize the gifts we have been given and the responsibility we have to give them to others. And it offers important food for thought as we debate the immigration dilemma we currently face at our porous borders. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study sessions with family, friends and church groups.

This week's Gospel story starts with Jesus hearing about the death of John the Baptist and then withdrawing to a deserted place for prayer. Fr. Phil Bloom tells us we are also invited to withdraw to a deserted place for prayer and reflection. And the more one reflects upon the ways of God with us humans, the more it becomes clear that God really does trust us and really does want us to become free and responsible persons who do not sit around waiting for someone else to solve our problems.

All You Who Are Hungry and Thirsty, Come to Me!

On its own, the feeding of the Five Thousand is a marvellous account of one of the greatest and most attested to miracles. But to put it in context is to open up a whole new layer of meaning and depth. Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. says we are shown a contrast between the total inability of the disciples alone to deal with a desperate situation and the ease with which Jesus provides a solution.

It is clear that many of the problems we face are well beyond our abilities. But our strength grows immeasurably in the presence of God. It is a reminder that God will always provide. Fr. Joseph Pellegrino says we have only to go to Him, stay united to Him, and we will receive bread for His people.

True Christian ministry

Fr. James Gilhooley explains how this Gospel story tells us the role of the disciples in Christ's plan. It was they who gave out the meal to the crowd. He worked through the hands of the disciples and He still operates through us. Jesus' response to the crowds following Him served to impress upon His disciples the mandate for their own self-sacrificial ministry. The shepherd denies himself for the sake of the flock. That's the example that He's set for them, Fr. Orlando Sapuay, M.S. explains. The needs of people sick and ignorant and disconsolate and hungry meant far more to Jesus than His own convenience and ease.

God Himself is teaching us the responsibility to minister. Are we the messengers Jesus wants us to be? Will we loan Him our hands, feet, and voice today? He has no other plan. And, Fr. Ron Rolheiser points out, where truth operates you see poverty turn into abundance; death turn into life; war turn into peace; and hunger turn into food.

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB looks to Matthew's depiction of Christ's threefold action of looking up to heaven, reciting a prayer of praise, and breaking the bread as a beautiful pattern that we could well apply to our own daily living. It offers us a blueprint for authentic Christian spirituality that involves frequently raising our hearts and minds to God in prayer, giving thanks and praise for what is, and then sharing it with others.

Foreshadowing the Last Supper

There are clear Eucharistic references in the this Gospel text such as Jesus taking the bread raising his eyes to heaven, blessing it, breaking it and giving it to them. Clearly, Alex McAllister SDS tells us, this miracle is therefore a foreshadowing of the Last Supper. Father Cusick points out that our Lord gives a great sign of the gift of the Eucharist in the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and the fishes.

This transformation, this multiplication is a supernatural marvel that is the source of other marvels. In fact, says Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D, if we were to unpack just a fraction more of the miraculous power contained in the Eucharist, we, the Church and the world would be forever different. We are to be like Jesus in our actions toward other people. What we receive as we walk up the aisle to communion, Fr. John Foley, S. J. highlights for us, makes us into God’s way of fulfilling the Gospel.

Popular Culture and Christian Values

Deacon Greg Kandra balances the pleasant news with a stirring rebuke. He says sometimes it seems like Catholics dress better to go to a restaurant than to take Communion with the King of Heaven. His treatise is aptly called "No Flip-Flops in the King's House."

Speaking of Life, Cardinal Burke a few years back preached this timeless message, that suffering does not eliminate purpose, dignity of humans. “No matter how much a life is diminished, no matter what suffering the person is undergoing, that life demands the greatest respect and care,” he said, adding, “It's never right to snuff out a life because it's in some way under heavy burden.”

Stress, JPII and the World's Largest Dog

Got Stress? Everybody deals with anxiety and depression sometimes, but some of us have a particularly difficult time in managing everyday anxieties. Here is a brief list of techniques you can use to help manage your most persistent fears and every day anxieties.

Judith Costello's family has always had Pope John Paul II close to them. Her young son once did a research project about the newly canonized Pope. And it continued all year! The amazing thing is that St. John Paul II touched them deeply. They began asking for his intercession for many things. Read her story.

Finally, here's a story about the world's biggest dog. This mild lumbering Great Dane is over 7 feet long, huge, but he's terrified of chihuahuas. You have to read this.

Another eventful week in our Catholic World. A blessed and happy new week to all.

Keep the Faith. Peace.

Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief

BURNINQ QUESTION: Eucharist? Communion? Which is it?
FEATURED BLOG: What does God think about cremation?
PASTORAL HISPANA: Dios manifiesta su ternura dandonos de comer

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Thursday, July 24, 2014

"The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field"

This Sunday, July 27, 2014, the Gospel's passage contains the last three of the set of seven parables that Matthew placed in the center of his gospel. The first two about the treasure in the field and the pearl of great price tell us about the inestimable value of the Kingdom. The third one about the dragnet tells us about the great diversity of its make up. This Sunday we have three parables set before us. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study sessions with family, friends and church groups.

Three aspects of God's kingdom are highlighted in these parables: the necessity of recognizing its ultimate value, the necessity of responding with total commitment upon recognition of its presence, and the possibility of rejecting the gift of eternal life that it brings. Father Cusick explains that this discourse is a continuation of our meditation upon the four "last things": death, judgment, heaven and hell.

The Value of God's Kingdom's

The kingdom of heaven is like a treasure buried in a field or a pearl of great price. When its great value is recognized, one gladly does all that is necessary to obtain it. The kingdom of heaven is also like a net that collects all sorts of fish. Just as the useless fish are eventually thrown away, at the end of the age the wicked will be rejected. The last parable is a sober reminder that even though Jesus is the presence of divine wisdom, many take offense at him, and because of their lack of faith are lost.

These parables, Orlando Sapuay, M.S. explains, teach us that the kingdom is so desirable and precious that a person must sacrifice everything in order to obtain it. And this most desirable hidden treasure, Fr. Phil Bloom points out, is Jesus Himself. He is the Kingdom of God. Heaven is nothing more - and nothing less - than a relationship with Jesus. And to discern what fits with the Kingdom, Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio says we need to know what that Kingdom is all about.

And perhaps, as Fr. John Foley, S. J. indicates, the deepest wisdom this Sunday can be found in the Second Reading. You or I have undoubtedly quoted the words, not remembering where they came from, “All things work for the good [of] those who love God.”

The Gift of Free Will

Sunday's Readings drive us to the dogmatic theology books. The First Reading from 1 Kings speaks about wisdom. The second from Romans speaks about predestination, the Gospel from Matthew speaks about the Christian life. The invitation is placed before us and it is entirely up to us whether we accept it. We are invited to believe in all that Jesus told us and to embrace the Gospel as our way of life, but Fr. Alex McAllister tells us, the choice rests with us.

However, Fr. Ron Rolheiser clarifies, every choice is a renunciation. Thomas Aquinas said that and it helps explain why we struggle so painfully to make clear choices. We want the right things, but we want other things too. Fr. Joseph Pellegrino tells us that we have to take responsibility for our own actions. Even if something negative happens to us beyond our control, like sickness, we have the ability to use this situation to closer image the Lord. If we choose what is true and good, then we are allowing God's predestination to take its effect among us.

The good news for us, according to Fr. Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B., is that the Risen Lord is present in our celebration of the Eucharist not only to instruct us about the kingdom of heaven, but also to give us his Spirit. In the Spirit, through faith, we receive sight to recognize the presence of the kingdom in our world, and we receive courage to commit ourselves totally to God's reign with single-minded desire.

Responding with Total Commitment

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB isolates for us the fact that Jesus started his ministry with the proclamation of the Gospel: "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." But his disciples, then and now, keep on asking: "When is the kingdom coming? How will we recognize it?" And it is this Sunday's parables that describes the different ways people can find the kingdom: by chance; by diligent search and by careful discernment.

No matter which way, two things are needed: first, the wisdom to recognize the surpassing worth of the kingdom when it appears and secondly the boldness to stake all on the kingdom. Here are some helpful hints from Fr. James Gilhooley on how to establish the Kingdom of God around you. "Share everything. Play fair. Don't hit people. Put things back where you found them. Clean up your own mess. Don't take things that aren't yours. Say you are sorry when you hurt somebody."

Sacraments, Catholic Guilt, and Life Issues

Have you ever experienced speaking to someone, to tell them the hope you have in the Lord Jesus, and it seems you are speaking to a brick wall with no signs evident that they're getting it’? When we speak the Word of God to others is it ever really wasted? Sr. Lisa Marie Doty offers her reflections.

Gary Zimak is a Cradle Catholic. Jennifer Fulwiler is a convert who admits that now that she's Catholic, she spends a lot more time feeling guilty than he used to. So it’s been interesting, then, to find that she feels Catholic guilt is one of the best things that’s ever happened to her. Gary, on the other hand, offers the big mistakes he has discovered over his life time. In order to spare you some agony, he presents his list of the five biggest mistakes Catholics make and how to avoid them.

And with Obamacare and its contracepton mandate still in the news today, we bring you back a statement the U.S. bishops issued three years ago during the height of the Obamacare debate. Saying, “Pregnancy is not a disease, and fertility is not a pathological condition to be suppressed by any means technically possible,” they “strongly opposed” a proposal to mandate coverage of surgical sterilization and all FDA-approved birth control in private health insurance plans nationwide.

And here's an interesting Catechetical topic: Why can't young children receive Anointing of the Sick? The answer is simple. Children who do not yet have the use of reason cannot receive Anointing of the Sick – since they have not committed any actual sin (and are, therefore, not spiritually sick), they have no need of the spiritual healing. Reading this article will certainly help you undertand our faith better.

Priesthood & Parishes

It's interestng to read this report about the shifting demographics of the U.S. Catholic Church. "The Changing Face of U.S. Catholic Parishes" also shows that while there are more U.S. Catholics, they are attending Masses at fewer parishes staffed by a rapidly declining corps of priests. That is why this great story from Delaware is so timely. Trading in a badge and gun for the cross, here's the story of a New York cop was ordained a priest for Wilmington.

Want to know the secret to a vibrant parish? New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan searched for the secret behind a parish renowned for its high rate of Sunday Mass attendance; first-rate school; excellent religious education for kids, teenagers, young adults, and adults; remarkably effective stewardship; and successful initiatives of social justice, pro-life efforts, evangelization, and neighborhood presence. It was divinely simple: Eucharistic Adoration.

From Dorm Rooms to Senior Homes

In "Detoxing the Dorm," Kathryn Jean Lopez offers a corrective to the current college campus hookup culture: Single-sex dorms. A 2009 study in The Journal of American College Health found that students in co-ed dorms have more sex and more partners — and are “more than twice as likely as students in gender-specific housing to indicate that they had had 3 or more sexual partners in the last year.”

From dorm rooms to senior retirement homes. And you gotta love this. Residents of a retirement community in Michigan get into the swing of things with a little Michael Buble action. In the middle of a hot hot summer, this is the coolest of cool. Enjoy "Forever young: the world’s first senior citizen lip-dub."

Another eventful week in our Catholic World. A blessed and happy new week to all.

Keep the Faith. Peace.

Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief

BURNING QUESTION: Is Gambling a Sin?
FEATURED BLOG: The secret to a vibrant parish?
PASTORAL HISPANA: El Reino de los Cielos tiene un precio

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed"

Once again in this week's Gospel passage for July 20, 2104 (16A) images of growing trees, shrubs and plants provide us with powerful insights into the quiet and slow ways that God's Kingdom grows among us and within us. This Sunday we have three parables set before us. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study sessions with family, friends and church groups.

Students of Matthews Gospel sometimes call Chapter Thirteen the Day of Parables because the whole chapter actually contains seven different parables all given presumably from the boat referred to in the very first verse from that chapter where it says, ‘such crowds gathered round him that he got into a boat and sat there. The people stood on the beach and he told them many things in parables.’

Let Them Grow Together

Central to today's parable of the wheat and the weeds is the preciousness of the wheat. The landowner refused to lose any of it in order to get rid of the weeds. Fr. Orlando Sapuay, M.S. explains how Jesus did not weed out Judas from the twelve, nor Peter from the twelve, even though God knew about his upcoming denials. Nor did He weed out the disciples who all eventually ran away. This parable was a warning to the disciples not to attempt to anticipate the final judgment of God by a definitive exclusion of sinners from the Kingdom. In its present stage, the Kingdom is composed of the good and the bad. The judgment of God alone will eliminate the sinful. Until then, Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB remiunds us, there must be patience and the preaching of repentance.

We can learn much from God's patience as we see him allow both the good and the evil to grow together. Even in your own hearts, God steadily forgives your weeds. It would be better if the weeds were not there, but he loves everything about you and wants you preserved. Fr. John Foley, S. J. says this is a radical idea because we often think that we have to be sinless in order to be loved.

And this brings up an objection that has caused heated debate in recent years. If the Church is meant to be inclusive as the parable of the wheat and tares suggests, then why do we still have the penalty of excommunication on the books? Why do some clamor that Catholic, abortion-rights politicians should be denied holy communion? Isn’t this just a mean-spirited sort of Puritanism? Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio explains.

Starting Small Like the Mustard Seed

The short parables about the mustard seed and the leaven are used to illustrate the surprising growth of the church in spite of small and unpromising beginnings.The point is that God can work through small and ordinary agents (like ourselves) to achieve surprising and significant results. That is how the Church of God began - in a very small way with only twelve Apostles, and not the brightest of the bunch. Yet today the Church spreads throughout the world and Catholics today number over 1.2 billion.

Fr. Alex McAllister SDS tells us that we can say the same for the Kingdom of God growing within our own hearts. Its start is small and insignificant but with the proper nurturing grows and grows until we turn our whole lives over to the Lord. We should find this truth encouraging and allow it to free us from a sense of helplessness. Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. tells us that with God we can do more than we could ever imagine.

Jesus wants a few dynamic people. Fr. James Gilhooley points out from the parable that just as a little yeast plays a changing power in flour, so too should small pockets of Catholics transform society. Many Christians have done that. And now you are doing the same, explains Fr. Joseph Pellegrino, when you teach the ABC's of religion to your children. You have faith that the Kingdom of God will spread through them. Don't allow yourself to think that maybe nothing is happening for your children. Say prayers with your children. Allow God to turn the tiny mustard seed into a great plant.

The Eternal Effect of Our Choices

This week Christ teaches about the eternal effect of our choices. The farmer lets the weeds and the wheat grow together until harvest, "then at harvest time I will order the harvesters, First collect the weeds and bundle them up to burn, then gather the wheat into my barn." Denver Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M., Cap.reminds us that God’s love is not something anyone can buy. It’s a free gift. But it comes with consequences.

Fr. Phil Bloom tells us that we are in the midst of conflict - from outside and from within. Illness, fear and temptations attack us. Weeds threaten to choke the good seed. All the more reason to turn to Jesus. But it's not that simple, Fr. Ron Rolheiser explains. To be born again, to be reborn from above, is not something that we can do, at least not fully, in one instant or in one dramatic, religious gesture, no matter how deep our sincerity. There is more involved than falling at the feet of some evangelist or of answering an altar call, albeit these can be an important beginning.

Father Cusick tells us what we must do. In authentic charity we must speak to others and teach them about the great responsibility they have to choose either Life or Death. We must keep the commandments of the Lord if we are to enter into life eternal.

Sin, Confession and Cohabitation

Fr. John Zuhlsdorf speaks of a “social” dimension, as it were in how we can sin. We can sin not only be our own direct actions, but indirectly through participation in the sins directly committed by others. How does one participate in the sin of another person? The good father explains nine different ways we sin through another person’s actions - starting with Consent and Counsel.

The fact is, the majority of couples who present themselves for marriage in the Catholic Church are co-habiting. Furthermore, they don't see any problem with it, and seem rather surprised when the priest challenges them on their living situation. Father Longenecker shares several good priestly comments, mighty strong eye-openers to use when presented with cohabiting couples who want to be married in church.

And to wrap us this section on sin, the USCCB put out this post on their blog. Penance, aka confession, is the sacrament of the forgiveness of sin. Confession has benefits. Here are ten.

Organ Donors & Abortion

Donating one's body to science? A reader from Ontario, Canada, has written to say: "I have allowed my body at death to be given to science. Is this permissible?" The short answer is "Yes," explains William E. May, if specific conditions are met.

We share with you thoughts from Cardinal Arinze, the retired president of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments, who decries the word games being played in the abortion debate. "Is it not highly illogical for some people to talk of some whales, and the chimpanzees, and trees as 'endangered species' which must be preserved -- and if you torture a dog in some countries you will be brought to court for your cruelty to animals -- while the killing of unborn babies is labeled 'pro-choice' instead of what it is: murder? Call a spade a spade."

Cancer, Public Praying & Online Civility

This past Sunday Msgr. Charles Pope celebrated his 50th Birthday and of all the gifts he received, he says the best one came from the Lord who delivered it in a “strange package.” Check it out.

“So, are you just going to cut it all off first?” This was the suggestion Denys Powlett-Jones offered to his wife after she was diagnosed with cancer and faced with a coming regimen of harsh chemotherapy. But she refused. And offered him a sobering a view which was more honest and more Christ-like at once: This is not a cup that can be avoided, outrun, outgunned, or shaved off. It is to be accepted and drunk, with trust that the Father who has given it knows that good will come from it.

A while back Jennifer Fulwiler and her husband were at a dinner party where most of the other people in attendance were not religious. When the food was served, they faced an awkward moment: Should they say their usual prayer? Find out how they handled the situation. And ask yourself this question: Do You Pray in Public?

Finally, Brett & Kate McKay discuss the foibles of internet networking. And indeed it is possible - albeit necessary - to be gentlemen and ladies in the Age of the Intenet. They share their "6 Ways to Bring Civility Online."

Another eventful week in our Catholic World. A blessed and happy new week to all.

Keep the Faith. Peace.

Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief

FEATURED BLOG: Participation in the sins of others
PASTORAL HISPANA: Dios siempre tiene paciencia con nosotros

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Thursday, July 3, 2014

"For my yoke is easy, and my burden light."

The words of the Gospel this Sunday, July 3, 2011, are wonderfully comforting; they express the compassion of Christ not only for those who suffer or are crushed by the heavy loads of life, but also to the child-like, the innocent and the trusting. Our Discussion Questions will guide your Sunday Bible Study sessions with family, friends and church groups.

Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am meek and humble of heart;
and you will find rest for yourselves.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.

Who of us cannot be moved in some way by the consolation that Jesus offers in these words. Brief but exceedingly rich in meaning, these are after all some of the most well-known and most popular passages from all of the Christian Scriptures. How beautiful these words from Jesus are. And yet, Fr. John Foley, S. J. exclaims, so hard to trust.

This gospel has two distinct parts, explains Fr. Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. In the first, Jesus expresses profound gratitude to the Father, source of all being and goodness, because he has freely chosen to take note of the little ones. In the second segment, Jesus reminds us that accepting his wisdom of loving service will indeed mean submitting to the yoke of discipline and sacrifice. But it will be a sweet yoke, because we bear it with Jesus.

His Yoke is Easy and His Burden is Light

Jesus appeals to those who experience life as one unending chore. Jesus, the great comforter, is the one who opens his arms in welcome to those beaten down by their experience, those who find themselves ostracized and rejected, overburdened and crushed. He offers rest and refreshment. His yoke is easy, he says. His burden is light, Fr. Orlando Sapuay, M.S. explains, not because you are so good at being a Christian. His yoke is easy and His burden is light because Jesus is carrying them.

Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio puts us on notice, however, that following Jesus does mean that you are foot-loose and fancy-free. To be a disciple means voluntarily putting a yoke on one's shoulders, and walking in a direction set by the master. Jesus came to bring liberation, true freedom. Fr. Phil Bloom says the amazing thing is that when people accept Jesus' yoke, they discover a new power, a freedom they never imagined -- freedom from sin and suffering.

God's Will or Ours?

The problems we face will either defeat us or develop us—it makes us better or bitter depending on how we respond to them. How can we know the will of God in our lives? Fr. John Bartunek discusses the two ways God manifests his will: Indicative Will and Permissive Will. We also addresses the question of why God permits evil and suffering?

Fr. James Gilhooley notes how many of us have studied the Gospels and concluded they are difficult and so we turn to religion. We conclude that belonging to a religion is much easier than being religious and less demanding than serving Christ. Because we have the education and money, we are swept away from God by material things that it tends to create a false sense of security for us.

Fr. Joseph Pellegrino warns us that arrogance kills, particularly, intellectual arrogance. We have to take care that we don’t fall into its trap. Fr. Alex McAllister SDS says such attitudes not only bring dissatisfaction but they displease God. Jesus is telling us that lowliness and meekness are attitudes that are valued extremely highly by God.

Let Us Become Like Children

Indeed the litmus-test for Christian orthodoxy is not the creed or the commandments but this particular challenge from Jesus: Can you love an enemy? Can you forgive, even when every feeling inside of you rebels at its unfairness? And it’s exactly on this point, to do this willingly and without resentment, Fr. Ron Rolheiser emphasizes, that its practice grows difficult. It’s not easy to do this and not grow resentful and manipulative.

God has existed in His divine eternal splendor from the beginning. We have been called to share His own wonderful light in and through our Savior Jesus Christ. Father Cusick reminds us to encounter, accept and love Jesus as He is, not as we would have him be. But while the wise and the learned, the scribes and Pharisees, have rejected Jesus' preaching and the significance of his mighty deeds, Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB notes that the childlike have accepted them.

More on the Eucharist, etc.

As a followup to our articles on the Eucharist on last week's issue on Corpus Christi Sunday, here's a couple more noteworthy articles. Fr. Robert Barron offers a clear narrative on "Jesus: Really, Truly, Substantially Present" in the Eucharist. He notes that at the consecration at every Mass, the priest acts, not in his own person, but in persona Christi, hence affecting the transformation that Catholics call “transubstantiation.” Plus here's a gem we discovered from Dr. Marcellino d'Ambrosio: Understanding the Mass, a 5-Part Series.

And speaking of proselytizing, what do you do when Mormon missionaries come knocking at your door? Joe Heschmeyer shares his experiences, for two reasons: to help prepare Catholics for Mormons who come knocking, and to get us to think more seriously about our own call to Evangelize.

And from the Vatican, we share with you a story about a church that was literally built on St. Peter - it's the Basilica of St. Peter. This account follows the history of this structure beginning with the crucifixion death of St. Peter at the hands of the Romans. The history is quite fascinating.

Fourth of July Celebrations

A man has a healthy appreciation for positive traditions. Traditions add rhythm and texture to our lives, bind us together with others, give us something to look forward to, and simply provide a good deal of joy and satisfaction. Here's a list of 10 awesome Fourth of July traditions for celebrating our nation's Independence Day on Monday. Try a few or try them all. In time for Independence Day, Fr. Robert Barron offers this piece: A Nation Under God; a Nation That Keeps the Sabbath.

Summer is finally here, so let the vacation planning begin! Airline tickets: check. Hotel and rental car reservations: check. Bags packed and ready to go: check. Catholic church selected near our destination and appropriate clothes packed: huh? Peggy Bowes offers this friendly reminder that, even on vacation, we should not take a vacation from our Sunday obligation.

And finally, do you want to be happy? Bo Sanchez says the key to happiness is gratitude. A grateful person is a happy person. And an ungrateful person is an unhappy person. Here’s his definition of a grateful person: A grateful person focuses on what is good. It’s almost the same definition for a loving person. He explains in his usual down-to-earth folksy style.

Another eventful week in our Catholic World. A blessed Feast of Corpus Christi to all!

Keep the Faith. Peace.

Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief

BURNING QUESTION: Is Religion for the weak of heart and mind?
FEATURED BLOG: Redefining Marriage: Who's to Blame?
PASTORAL HISPANA: El ejemplo de como ser mansos y humildes

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