Escaping the Flood

The rainbow—this most beautiful and transient of all things—is as we have heard, a reminder of God’s covenant. It is a sign of the close bond He established with us after the great flood. We may do enough things to provoke God’s anger, Fr. Alex McAllister SDS points out to us. But in this great covenant God says that he will be merciful to us. Although we have sinned he will hold back his anger; instead he will love us all the more.
Escaping to the Desert

Fr. Orlando, Sapuay, MS suggests that we also should retreat to our own desert as a "great escape." But unlike Jesus who was temopted by teh devil, ours wouldn't be a source of "temptation". It would be a place where we might have the opportunity to reflect on all the love in our life - a God who constantly takes us to his heart and cares so much for us. And God's loving presence embodied in family and friends who are ready to be there for us, but sometimes never given the opportunity to be so because of the "crazed madness".
And so, as we begin Lent and relate the forty days the Lord spent in the desert to the forty days of Lent, Fr. Joseph Pellegrino counsels that we also can relate tests that we have had or may still have in our lives.
A Focus on Baptism

And we challenge you with our burning question for the week: Why do Catholics baptize infants?
A Focus on Prayer
We need to pray regularly. Fr. Ron Rolheiser tells us that if we sustain genuine prayer in our lives, eventually sincerity will weed out insincerity, selflessness will weed out selfishness, and grace will weed out sin.
And so, Fr. John Foley, S. J. suggests, what about letting each Lenten day partake of certain retreat practices? For instance, what about setting aside a little time daily to let your insides settle down for a while, to create space within you to welcome God. Maybe set up a special place in your house or elsewhere just to pray. And why not take some time to read in advance the Gospel from the upcoming Sunday Mass? Sit down, read it slowly, and let the scene described take place within your mind and heart.
Celebrating Lent

And so the Catholic blogger that goes by the name of The Anchoress proposes we start Lent by going back to the Sacrament of Confession. If it has been a long time since you’ve been to Confession, she presents an an article that features two videos that can helpfully explain the process. And then Marcellino D'Ambrosio lists "40 Ways to Get the Most out of Lent." This, of course, is not an exhaustive list of Lenten ideas. But it’s a start!
Last year, at the Vatican, Pope Benedict celebrated Mass on Ash Wednesday at the Basilica of Santa Sabina, marking the start of Lent and the ancient tradition of the station churches in Rome. And following the station church tradition, the faithful this year also make their way to a different church each of the 40 days of Lent for Mass and the singing of the litany of the saints. The tradition started as early as the third century to honor the martyrs of Rome. Similar to the 15 meditations of the Stations of the Cross, the 40 designated station churches offer time for mediation on the lives of the martyrs and prayers of intercession to these Roman saints.
Yay! It's Lent!
Lent is a beautiful time the Church gives us every year to hope again in hard times and to turn our mourning into dancing. Fr. Peter deSousa explains. Mike Gormley agrees. he says Lent is the happiest of all seasons in the Church calendar and the most joyful of all times in life. Say what? Let's allow him to explain.
Meanwhile Msgr. Charles Pope tells us that on Lenten Sundays, rejoicing in the Lord must be our strength. Although Lent is a time of penance, ne reminds us that nevertheless Sunday remains a day of Joy. The Sundays of Lent are not numbered among the forty days of Lent. Between Ash Wednesday are 46 days. The extra six days are the Sundays of Lent.
Developing a Spiritual Wellness Program

And if you're among those who are suffering this Lenten season, Mark Henderson offers five simple things a day you can do to stay sane. Simple activities such as gardening or mending a bicycle can protect mental health and help people to lead more fulfilled and productive lives, a panel of scientists has found.
More on the Sin of Artificial Contraception
If there are priests out there wondering whether to take on this topic from the pulpit, consider that your congregation might already be telling you, "Father, We're Ready for that Homily on Contraception Now."
Candy, Lent & Elvis
We go to Hollywwod to close this week's edition. First we give you everyone's favorite Catholic comedian, Judy McDonald, who shares a few timely thoughts for this Lenten season. Dreaming of candy, she asks, what are you giving up for Lent?

For years, i've been telling you all that Catholicism is becoming mainstream. With the positive support the Church is getting from all corners in response to the HHS mandate, this highly visible Catholic display on Oscars nighty should make for an interesting evening in Hollywood. Catch the show this Sunday.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Have a great and blessed new week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: Why do Catholics baptize babies?
FEATURED BLOG: Father, We're Ready for that Homily on Contraception Now
PASTORAL HISPANA: Jesus nos invita a ir al desierto con El

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