These verses are the climactic conclusion of the prologue to the gospel according to John (1: 1-34). In the prologue John establishes the basic themes that will unfold in the ensuing drama of his gospel: Jesus, the Word from the beginning lives with God, is God. The Word became human and made his dwelling in our world of sin; those who accept Jesus become children of God and are at home in God.
Behold the Lamb of God

Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB explains that lambs suffer violence; they do not inflict it. Christ, as the victim who reveals God's love for us, is often symbolized by a lamb. When Peter is entrusted with the flock of the Lord, Peter, he is told to "feed" his sheep and lambs. Jesus sends his followers out into the world with no weapons, no money, no power - "like sheep among wolves."
If you want to go further, consider this: a scholar named Joachim Jeremias held that the original word for “lamb” in Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke) was “talyã’,” which meant not only “lamb” but also “slave” or “servant.” The Baptist may have intended both meanings, “Behold the Lamb of God,” but also, “Behold the servant of God.” If so, his words would be a direct quote of words from the First Reading for Sunday.
In this short Gospel of five verses, Fr. James Gilhooley says John e-mails us the message that Jesus is in this struggle for the long haul. He is going to stay around to hold us up and, if necessary, pick up the pieces.If we deny sin, we have no place for Jesus. But if we honestly recognize sin, Fr. Phil Bloom reminds us, we open ourselves to Jesus.
John the Baptist looked to Jesus and said, “There is the Lamb of God.” Fr. Joseph Pellegrino tells us that we have been called to do the same. This message is not addressed to Priests and Levites or even to disciples. Fr. Alex McAllister SDS says it is addressed to the whole of humanity because Christ’s coming into the world is of the greatest possible significance for the entire human race.
When the Holy Spirit Comes Down

Our belief that the same Spirit who guided Jesus also guides us has profound implications for defining the meaning of human existence. Fr. Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B. explains that if we are transparent to the divine life, our words and actions become signs of God's loving presence in the world. And as this joy settles, college student Amy Winkler hears the Readings for Sunday as a call to service, to a way of life in which we let the light of Christ shine in our lives.
Ans so today, on this second Sunday in Ordinary Time, may our own hearts be open to see the glory of God at work in one another and to testify to God's loving presence.
Agnus Dei - Christ Truly Present in the Eucharist
But quite often, just before communion when we recite the “Lamb of God” instead of singing it, the sad result frequently is “LammaGod-youtakeawaythesinsoftheworld--havemercyonus” One word, often void of meaning. Fr. John Foley says once you have imaged the meaning, you will crave slowing it down!
When we say or sing, “Lamb of God” we are remembering what Jesus did for us and what he has empowered us to do for others. We are remembering his sacrifice to make God’s love real on earth. We are reminding ourselves that joining Jesus in sacrificial love is the only way we can be his followers.
Liturgical Church or Bible Church?

The past 20 years or so have seen an explosion of conversions from Protestantism to Catholicism. During that time, a certain common narrative seems to be associated with these conversions. On the other hand, there has also been an even greater exodus out of the Catholic Church over the past 40 years. Some of that is people leaving Christianity altogether, but much of it is Catholics becoming Evangelical. Eric Sammons - a convert to Catholicism himself - looks at the the narrative for that type of conversion and explains the differences.
In last week's Burning Question, we had put up a question to the community about why it is imperative for parents to have their children baptized as infants. And an interesting exchange about Infant Baptism and the Sacraments materialized between a Protestant reader named Gary and our Theology editor Paul Dion, STL. Follow the lively discussion here.
And two weeks ago at the Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas, the big buzz was for tablet computers. What we found fascinating was comparing the sales pitch for these new tablets with the one given by Apple CEO Steve Jobs last year when he announced the iPad. Here's what every Catholic can learn from Steve Jobs.
New US Lectionary & More

From the Vatican, the Pope last week baptized 21 Infants and noted the challenges facing parents. Benedict XVI highlighted that the social context that Christian families face today demands collaboration from the Christian community and increasing support from parishes. He also said that there is "urgent need" for Christians to "proclaim the Gospel with their life." And noting how holiness helps in understanding the mysteries of the faith, the Pope explained Purgatory using as an example the insights gleaned by St. Catherine of Genoa.
A Brutal Weekend - the AZ Shooting & More

From Denver, CA, Archbishop Charles Chaput expressed anguish over the recent Arizona shooting that left 6 dead and over a dozen wounded, noting particularly the life and deep Catholic faith of victim Judge John Roll.
Paul Dion, STL, on the other hand, offers a reflection on the immorality that can come with the reckless exercise of our right to free speech. In his opinion piece "Scandal of the Weak," He opines that no one is free to inundate the weak with speech that can influence them and cause them to act in a nefarious way. Those who persist in using speech with violent pictures cannot exculpate themselves from the effects of what they have put out into the community atmosphere under the guise of freedom of speech.
YouTube Celeb "Golden Voice" Ted Williams

Lastly, Judith Costello gives us the latest installment to her blog "Mysteries of Parenting." In "Elevating teh Ordinary," she reflectas on simple words and ordinary gestures. Yet, these four moments in time were transformative. They reminded her that God can take the smallest offering we might make and turn it into something miraculous.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Have a blessed new week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BQ: What bible verse anchors your personal spiritual life?
Featured Blog: Following Jesus' Behavior is Biblical Too, Ya Know!
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