This story of the feeding of the five thousand is common to all four Gospels—in fact it is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels—today we have the incident as described by St John. When Jesus saw the large crowd that had followed Him, He said, "Where can we buy enough food for them to eat?" Philip answered, in effect, that he did not know. Another disciple said to Jesus, "There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish, but what good are these for so many?"
Sharing the Boy's Gifts
Jesus does not spiritualize the hunger of the poor, or postpone His love for them to the next world. Fr. Campion P. Gavaler, O.S.B. explains that Jesus wanted to work the miracle of feeding the huge number of people who are hungry. But the miracle will not happen without someone to provide five barley loaves and two fish. The miracle of the gospel therefore is as much about the boy as it is about Jesus.
And today the boy is each of us who has something to offer the Lord. Logic and human reason often say to us, "We have no more than five loaves and two fish." But Jesus asks that even such meager provisions as these, together with the trust and generosity of disciples of every age, be stretched to their limits. Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB says it's just like Jesus is telling us, "Let's see. It will never be enough until we start to give it away."
Feed the Hungry
But how do we feed the hungry? Even if we are convinced, and perhaps even obsessed, by Jesus command to do this, how, in fact, can it be done today? The world is a big place and millions upon millions of people live in hunger. So, Fr. Ron Rolheiser asks, just how can you live out Christ's command to feed the hungry, given the complexities of today's world? Fr. Joseph Pellegrino says the miracle of the loaves and fish is a miracle of our sharing the gifts of Christ. He gives us plenty for all that we are called upon to feed. Our union with him satisfies the hungry hearts of our families, our neighbors, and our world.
My faith is weak. My love is limited. Your faith is weak. Your love is limited. But, Fr. Joseph Pellegrino assures us, there are no limits with Jesus. We seek His Holy Presence, and He gives us His Body and Blood to take within us. And then the real hunger begins. The more I eat of Him,
the hungrier I get. I am hungry for Christ. You are hungry for Christ. The more we receive Him, the more we want Him.
The Institution of the Eucharist
Perhaps in their excitement, hoping to see a miracle, the people left their homes forgetting to bring food for the journey. Perhaps they did not think to worry about satisfying their hunger for bread so overwhelmed were they by a hunger for signs and wonders.
Fr. Orly Sapuay, MS explains further how Jesus exemplified the true Eucharistic rhythm of life. “Jesus took the loaves, gave thanks and distributed them to those who were seated. He did the same with the fish and gave them as much as they wanted.” This is what we are called to do: “To take our lives both poor and wealthy; strong and weak, give thanks to God, and share this with others”. Now the crowd has become a true community, everyone sharing each one’s wealth and poverty, weakness and strength.
Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio reminds us also how Jesus said, “no one who comes to me shall ever be hungry, no one who believes in me shall thirst again.” This is the heart of Jesus. What He did then for the large crowd He continues to do for us. Father Cusick says this promise begins now in an anticipation of glory by receiving the Eucharist, the Body and Blood of Christ, the Living Bread. But our relationship with the Lord will fall short, and our happiness will remain incomplete, as long as we fail to go from the signs to the reality they signify. He is really and truly present and we do indeed receive him whole and entire in the sacred host.
Therefore, we are all to keep this Lord before our eyes. The God who gives lasting peace. Fr. John Foley, S. J. reminds us that this is our hope. This is our call. This is the “barley loaf,” the “one bread” we will receive in our very hands on Sunday. One bread, one body, one Lord of all.
Church, Politics, Social Media and Spiritual Warfare
Throughout the post-Vatican II years, the U.S. bishops’ conference has typically defended the welfare state and not infrequently urged its expansion. But, George Weigel observes, things are changing. A new generation of bishops is not quite as sure as its predecessors that “social justice” always equals “government program.”
And what about work, "good work" to be exact? Paul Dion, STL opines that not all of hard work is good work. He thinks "good work" is only the type of work where the common good reigns. He adds that in an atmosphere of fraternity, even "hard work" is good work.
Which brings us to Social Media. Gary Zimak observes how we share music videos, pictures of our lunch, we’ll gripe about the weather, comment on our favorite sports teams, but are often afraid to share anything about our faith. Originally, he had the same fear, but praying for an increase in the gift of fortitude has helped him a lot! Let’s look at some of the pros and cons of using social media to evangelize.
Misfortune, God's Will & Forgiveness
This week we witnessed how tragedy struck the community of Aurora, CO. In a case like the one that confronts us this weekend, it is not difficult to find victims. This act was so monstrous and so calamitous that there are many victims of it across the world, even among us. Yes, even we are, to some degree, victims of this ambush by Lucifer and his gang.
Already, we see signs of hope. One of the victims in the Aurora theater shooting said Wednesday he has forgiven the suspect in the rampage and hopes to speak with him someday. “Of course, I forgive him with all my heart. When I saw him in his hearing, I felt nothing but sorrow for him — he’s just a lost soul right now,” said Pierce O’Farrill. “I want to see him sometime. The first thing I want to say to him is ‘I forgive you,’ and the next is, ‘Can I pray for you?’”
We also bring you two more stirring stories of forgiveness. First we have the story of Arturo Martinez-Sanchez whos says he had no choice but to forgive the man suspected of sexually assaulting and killing his wife and young daughter in an April 2012 attack that also left him seriously wounded. Then we share the story of Ron McClary. Debilitated by multiple sclerosis, he lay on a stretcher yesterday at Holy Family church. He tried to speak as the widow of the Columbus police officer he shot in 1979 placed her hand on his arm. As he struggled, she stopped him. “I forgive you,” she said, almost inaudibly.
The ABC's of Being Catholic
Micah Murphy shares a few more lessons that other Catholic parents could use. These are especially helpful if you are expecting for the first time. She shares her article aptly called "Lying to Your Kids & 7 Other Catholic Parenting Notes."
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Have a great and blessed new week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: Eucharist? Communion? Which is it?
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