The Good Shepherd
To remind us of the Lord’s concern for each one of us, the Fourth Sunday of Easter always gives us the Gospel of the Good Shepherd. No matter how many times we flee from the Him, Abbot Philip Lawrence, OSB reminds us, Jesus is always willing to come after us once again and give His life for us.
And "He saves us from our sins." When we come upon this expression, we're tempted to limit this to something like “I can go to heaven because of the Blood of Jesus.” And that is true. But there is so much more. Fr. Joseph Pellegrinoso explains that it means we luxuriate in the Presence of Jesus Christ. We want to remain in this Presence.
Concern for Others
Jesus also compares the good shepherd to the mere hired hand in the Gospel. But what is wrong with just working for hire? Fr. John Foley, S. J. imagines that a lot of us are like this out of necessity. Ponder this: Why can’t we work simply for gain?
This concern for others will create in us that wonderful sense of "knowing" Jesus and being "known" by him, Demetrius R. Dumm, O.S.B. preaches. Sunday's readings therefore invite us to ask for forgiveness for the times we have not responded to those for whom we care, and ask for the grace to be good shepherds. Fr. Thomas Rosica, CSB tells us to therefore fix our eyes anew on the Good Shepherd who knows that other sheep not of this fold are not lost sheep, but His sheep.
The Most Inclusive Religion
What really ticked off the ancient Romans still ticks people off today—Christians have the “arrogance” to claim that Jesus is the only savior. This Sunday's readings not only back this idea plus the even more offensive idea that God wants only one church, but also accounts for the fact that both truth and godly people are to be found outside the visible boundaries of the Church. How to put these ideas together? Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D. explains.
Which brings us to the one most monumental mission of the Catholic Church in the next millennium. Fr John McCloskey says that will be to recover our lost Catholic sheep and help them to "revert." Last week we also brought you Fr. Robert Barron's "Why Catholics Leave the Church and What Can Be Done About It." We bring it back this week because it is quite relevant to these discussions.
Let Us Pray for Vocations
Sunday is National Day of Prayer for Vocations. Fr. Rich Lifrak, SSCC says this is a day to appreciate these shepherds, these priests, these brothers, these religious sisters we find on this earth and to pray for more servant-leaders to arise, not only for our sake, but for the sake of our children and our children’s children.
So, how can our Church win the hearts of young men? Anthony Esolen says if you are going to command the respect of young Catholic men, you must fight for theological truth. And, Fr. Alex McAllister SDS advises, we also must ask ourselves whether our very own parishes are cooperating with God in His intention to call people from among us to ministry in the Church. Do we transmit this call to those of our parish we think might be suitable candidates? Or do we say just say nothing and stay quiet out of a false shyness?
And we can't talk about vocations and not discuss the Diaconate. For more than a millennium, Latin Catholics saw an overwhelmingly celibate corps of ordained ministers. And for the last 40 years a new pattern has emerged that includes deacons who are both ordained and married. It is not surprising that confusion persists over the “double vocational sacramentality” of a married deacon.
Catholic Social Teaching
Continuing with his reflection on prayer in the early life of the Church, Benedict XVI this week at the Vatican commented on the apostles' discernment as they faced the problem of finding time to preach and serve. Sandro Magister reports that the Pope also explained how to respond to the persecutions that are still hitting Christians today. In the same way as the apostles. Without fear, without revenge. With freedom, courage, prayer.
Priests in Combat & CIMA
Fr. Kyle Schnippel was the Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati when he heard this story. In one Chaplain Training School, a Marine General gave a pep talk. One of the Protestant Chaplains raised his hand to ask a question, "Sir, what is your advice as to what we should do during open combat?" The General, in a moment of political incorrectness, asked the new chaplains if there were any priests among them. Four Catholic priests raised their hands. One man also raised his hand and said: "I'm an Episcopalian priest." He responded back: "No, I meant a Real Priest!" It made me chuckel so I thought I'd share it with you all.
Another eventful week in our Catholic World. Have a great and blessed new week.
Keep the Faith. Peace.
Wally Arida
Publisher & Editor in chief
BURNING QUESTION: Can non-Catholics go to heaven?
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